Dr. Richard Zic formed Dynomax Inc. in 1986, to serve a variety of firms, providing components and systems for the most demanding applications in the Aerospace and Defense industries.
Dynomax’s commitment to continuous improvement led to success for the subsequent decade of operations. Increased research and development exposed new ideas and concepts that could be built into core products and business units.
In the more recent history, Dynomax Inc. has created several business units for specific purposes, managed by our strong leadership team.
Today, after more than 30 years, Dynomax has grown to include operations in: Machining Hard Metal and Specialized Alloys, Precision Injection Molding, Plating and Finishing, Precision Machining, Specialty Machine and Automation Solutions, EDM / Wire, Robotics, Machine Tool Spindles, and Engineering Consulting Services.
Dynomax has become a valued supply chain partner to many of the largest firms in the Aerospace and Defense sectors.
We also look to the future by searching for opportunities to share our expertise with emerging technology in future markets. We strive to be the highest quality producer of manufactured components.
Since it’s inception, Dynomax has never wavered from the vision to be the highest quality and most efficient producer of system critical components and assemblies.